Prime Cost Sum (P.C. Sum)
Sum of money allocated in the main contract for works or services to be executed by a nominated sub contractor or for material and goods to be obtained from a nominated supplier
Direct Loss and Expenses (DLE)
The contractor may claim for Extension of Time (EOT) for event of delay as stipulated in Clause 43 and for some of these events of delay, he may also claims for Direct Loss and Expenses (DLE).
Based on Clause 44, Direct Loss & Expenses occurred can be claim for the following Five (5) reasons of delay:-
- Suspension on work which is not due to a cause attributable to the contractor. Cth: - Ketika melaksanakan kerja terdapat penemuan artifak-artifak berharga ditapak bina, S.O. terpaksa menangguh kerja kontraktor untuk kerja-kerja pengalian artifak tersebut.
- Directions given by the S.O., consequential upon disputes with neighbouring owners which is not due to any act, negligence or default of the contractor. Cth:- Semasa kerja dilaksanakan terdapat dakwaan oleh suatu pihak bahawa sebahagian kerja telah dilaksanakan di atas tanahnya. S.O. terpaksa tangguhkan kerja pembinaan untuk menyelesaikan dakwaan tersebut terlebih dahulu.
- S.O.'s instructions issued under clause 5 that are not due to any act, negligence or default of the contractor. Cth:- Sebarang Arahan S.O. yang boleh mengakibatkan kelewatan seperti arahan perubahan kerja - menukar keseluruhan keranga bumbung kayu yang telah dibina dan digantikan dengan bumbung kerangka besi.
- The contractor not having received in due time instructions in regard to: -
a) The nomination of sub-contractors and/or suppliers.
b) Instructions, drawings or levels for the execution of the Works
Provided that the contractor has applied in writing on a reasonable date, was neither unreasonably distant from nor unreasonably close to the date on which it was necessary for him to receive the same. Cth:- Kontraktor telah menyiapkan kerja-kerja pembersihan tapak dan kerja-kerja cerucuk tidak dapat dijalankan kerana nominated sub contractor untuk kerja tersebut belum lagi dipilih oleh majikan yang mana menjejaskan aktiviti-aktiviti pembinaan yang lain.
- Delay on the part of artists, tradesmen or others engaged by the Government in executing work not forming part of the contract.